Monday, May 4, 2009

Celebrate the Small Successes

I did it! 

In my April 24th Post (Twanalyst Test), I used Twanalyst to analyse my Twitter personality. The result: I was a Lurker - someone who doesn't tweet very much. 

Twanalyst offered me two tweeting tips, which I vowed to follow:
1. Add a link to my website in my profile. 
2. Tweet more often so that people can learn more about me. 

Done and Done. 

So today, a little over a week later, I revisited twanalyst and was quite happy to learn my efforts were not in vain. 

My new results: Writer (a general keen tweeter of their own content)
Personality: popular, inquisitive, cautious.
Style: chatty, coherent.

I'm much happier with being a so-called "writer" than my previous title of "lurker." However, based on the description provided, it sounds like Twanalyst thinks I'm a bit into myself. New advice offered on how to improve my tweeting:

Use hashtags (#) to join in popular discussions or online events. 

That shouldn't be too hard. I was tweeting about the Kentucky Derby most of the day on Sunday. I think it may be as simple as adding a # in front of Kentucky Derby and making it one word. Right?

And now with the Twitter re-design, you can see what topics are trending on the right of the screen. So, if I'm talking about something popular, I can easily tell that other people are tweeting about it too. 

Overall, I'm pleased with being a writer. I think the only types better are networker or talker...maybe. Conversationalist might not be bad either, but it reminds me of a bunch of tweets I read this morning between Kristi Colvin and Olivier Blanchard that went on and on and on. I wanted to tell them the equivalent of "get a room," but I wasn't sure what that was for Twitter. 

It's a good day, friends. A good day indeed. 

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