Friday, April 24, 2009

Twanalyst Test

This morning, courtesy of tweet posted by Social Media Insider, I discovered Twanalyst. As described on their site:

Twanalyst analyses your Twitter profile and your last 100 tweets (if you've written that many yet) - then makes some sweeping judgements about your personality based on how often you tweet, how many friends and followers you have, the content of your tweets and so on.

Now, for an aspiring Tweetologist, this is like a goldmine! Of course the first thing I did, was test my own Twitter account to have my personality analyzed.  

My results: LURKER (someone who doesn't tweet very much)
Personality: likable, inquisitive, cautious.
Style: quiet, coherent.

I'm not sure how I feel about the title "LURKER." Particularly when written in all-caps, this does not sound like a compliment or a positive description. 

My goal is to change my personality over the next week.  And Twanalyst even gives me a few tips on how to do this:
1. Add a link to your website to your profile to draw more traffic. 
2. Why not tweet a little more often so people can learn more about who you are?

As for the first suggestion, I guess I could add a link to this blog in my profile. 
In regards to the second suggestion, since this particular twitter account of mine has only been open since November 08, the fact that I only have 92 updates potentially skews my results. Especially considering I've really only been regularly tweeting for less than a month. So sure, I'll tweet more. 

So what does a Tweetologist do with Twanalyst after reviewing their own personality? 
Why, analyse other Twitter users of course!

First up: The infamous re-follower from Salt Lake City who has a picture of her dog as an avatar, Miss Christine Hill!
Results: ROBOT (someone whose tweets are mostly links)
Personality: renowned, spamming, cautious.
Style: quiet, academic. 

Vindication! Boy do I feel good! First off, because my analysis of her based on the whole re-following phenomenon is confirmed. Secondly, I would totally prefer to be a Lurker vs. a Robot. 

One of Twanalyst's tweeting tips for Miss Christine Hill: TURN OFF AUTO-FOLLOW! 
I'm not 100% sure that Christine Hill uses auto-follow, to be honest. But what is clear is that she is all about following merely to get you to follow her back. So I think the point of the tip is still relevant. 

Who to twanalyse next?!!?

After perusing some recent tweets in my current feed, I decided to twanalyze David Szetela. In my experience, he is infamous for "drive-by-tweeting," meaning he posts a whole bunch of tweets in a short time period and then seems to disappear for a while. 

Results: Exact same as Christine Hill!!! Man this feels good! One of these days, I'm totally going to go on an unfollow rampage and clean out all the Robots. 

Two more quick Twitter users that I anaylzed:
Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh. I admire the way he uses twitter. 
Results: CELEBRITY (someone with a large following)
Personality: renowned, spamming, cautious.
Style: chatty, academic. 

I guess overall, in the world of Twitter at least, Celebrity is accurate. The "spamming" part of the personality description is a bit surprising in my opinion. But I'm sure Twanalyst just accounted for the fact that many of his tweets have links in them without really taking into account that they are actually interesting (unlike some other Robots we know). 

And last, of course, the so-called "king of twitter," Ashton Kutcher
Results: ROBOT
Personality: renowned, sociable, vain.
Style: garrulous, coherent

Woah! Totally surprised to see Robot and not Celebrity here! Vain seems harsh, but not completely inaccurate. My guess is he earned that description based on the fact that while he has 1.3+million followers, he only follows 97 people. (According to all those social media experts out there, he is breaking the first rule of Twitter by not following back all of his followers - a rule I have openly struggled with myself). 

Enough fun Twanalysing for today. I have a feeling this tool may significantly influence my study however. So this is certainly not the last of it!

Happy weekend!

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